
Key Partners
The Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing (GHC) is the world’s largest gathering of women technologists, where the best minds in computing convene to highlight the contributions of women to computing. Microsoft is a proud partner of the Anita Borg Institute and the Grace Hopper Celebration. Microsoft has a history of sending a strong delegation of attendees, women and men, to attend the conference for professional development, networking, recruiting and to represent the Microsoft mission and brand. Purepartner was selected to spearhead the brand experience for this globally recognized celebration. In addition to environmental design and project management, we developed relevant and creative programming that even motivated us!

Pin Wall
When the best talent in the world gathers in one place, recruiting is always a top priority. Trying to align talent, personal interests and culture isn’t easy in such a fast-paced setting. To assist in the effort, we introduced our magnet-pin wall. With an array of adjectives that covered the spectrum, potential recruits could quickly convey their diverse combinations of skills and interests to their fellow attendees and interviewers, serving as a creative “ice-breaker” to meet new friends and find the perfect fit for their career.

Inspiring the Future You
The essence of GHC is motivation and inspiration. We developed a creative experience that not only incorporated established thought-leaders and staff at Microsoft, it also included the attendees themselves!
After reviewing hundreds of submissions from existing Microsoft employees, a dozen motivational, inspirational and insightful selections were made into high-quality postcards that were displayed at the “Note-to-Self” postcard station. Attendees picked the quote that resonated with them the most, customized the postcard with fun rubber stamps and then wrote a note to their “future self”, setting personal and professional goals for the upcoming year. Ahead of the following year’s GHC, Microsoft will send the postcards back to the attendees, to keep them motivated and chasing their dreams!